What kind of skills and technical equipment do students need to have…

What kind of skills and technical equipment do students need to have to be able to follow online classes?

Technical requirements and basic computer skills are a must for students who want to get into online education. When it comes to tech requirements each student needs: high-speed internet access, a recent operating system, office software, microphone, speakers/headphones, CD/DVD drive and as for computer skills each student has to know how to open PDF files, use the internet, use-mail and chat rooms, create, save, copy and organize folders/files.

Where to check the University’s requirements after you have chosen to study Online and the type of degree you are going to receive?

Before applying for an online degree and after making up your mind on the course and the university you want to finish your degree in, you have to check the university’s requirements. For that, you can check the university’s website where they explain the requirements in detail.

Do you dislike University loans and debts, are there other ways you can get a diploma?

Most students have very busy lives and on top of that many have to work to be able to pay some of the university debt. If you don’t want to be that kind of student, then online education is perfect for you.

Why should you start studying Online instead of going to University?

Anyone with the right qualifications can start an online degree. They are becoming more and more popular especially during this time. Not only they are easy to access, they are also affordable and have flexible schedules.

What to do in case you get rejected?

In case you get rejected don’t feel down there are so many opportunities online and there is no pressure to hurry. You can apply to other universities or reapply next semester or year if you want to receive a diploma but if you want to take an online course then no rejection will come your way.

How many students enrolled into online education?

In the past few years there were around 20 million students enrolled into Online Education. 9 million students out of 20 million enrolled in some kind of online course. 5.5 million of them were undergraduate students who 3 million of them took at least one online class and 2 million enrolled exclusively to get their diploma.

How many students after finishing an online degree were satisfied with the quality of Online Education?

Overall, 95% of the students who have received their diploma through online education are very satisfied with the platform and 95% of them would highly recommend distance learning to others.

What are the basic admission requirements most Online Universities have?

Universities generally have the same admission requirements. Usually what you need to be able to apply for an online degree is: a high school qualification, high school transcripts, GPA from high school or university, an essay, letter of recommendation and ACT/SAT scores.